
Fr. Steven Bell, C.S.P. KEYNOTE 401. How Can Love Truly Save Us?
Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Your every act should be done with love”. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
In these divided and challenging times in our society, how might this exhortation from Paul be understood? Which verse emphasized or prioritized over the other?  In a time when we Americans have never been more enraged, fearful, suspicious, or in despair the first verse of Paul’s exhortation can be not only a clarion call, but a security measure to defend everything from our beliefs and concepts of righteousness to our spaces, histories, and tribes.  A concerted effort to uphold the first verse with such maligning factors in play has often made upholding the second verse a more judicious endeavor.  Acts done with love become conditional, rationed, and restricted. How might we, in this time of toxic polarization, give credibility back to Love?  What does Paul teach us about God’s gratuitous gift of Agape that we may need to revisit and apply more intentionally? This keynote address will take us through a prophetic study of these scriptures so that we might gain some practical steps to bring the emphasis back to the second verse as both a spiritual posture to hold and a discipleship strategy to use in upholding the first verse.  Together, we’ll dive deeper into the formidable and affirming power of God’s Love through Christ Jesus to see just how it may save us from the soul-sicknesses that threaten our current times.

Fr. Steven Bell, C.S.P. BREAKOUT 704. How Can Love Truly Save Us? Pt II - Sage Lessons
Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Your every act should be done with love”. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Continuing from the theme of the Keynote Address, this breakout session will be an interactive workshop using this scripture in concert with lessons from wisdom figures (I.e.: Thea Bowman saying “Remember who you are and whose you are!”) to surface more practical uses of Love to deepen our personal spiritual growth as well as hone our ministerial tools.

Steve Botsford (Sponsored by William H. Sadlier, Inc.) 204. Catholic Identity: Head, Heart, Hands                        
Catholic Identity encompasses everything Catholics do, every day. It’s how we think, what’s in our hearts, and what we do with our gifts of time and talent. This session explores three aspects of Catholic Identity and how to practically approach leading yourself and others to Catholic growth and transformation.

Steve Botsford  (Sponsored by William H. Sadlier, Inc.)                  804. 3 Essentials for Activating Family Faith

Strengthening the domestic church is critical for the future of our Church. Whether you are you looking for ways to empower the families of your parish, or your own family, attendees of this session will learn the three essential areas to focus on to empower families to deepen their relationship with God at home, church, and community.

Erika De Urquidi (Sponsored by Pflaum Publishing Group, a division of Bayard, Inc.)         206. Forming Sacramental Families - How Can We Help Families Live the Sacraments

The period of preparation for the sacraments is a special occasion when families who have not been very connected to the parish are willing to devote more time to the faith formation of their children. Erika De Urquidi accompanies us to explore this great opportunity for evangelization. We must take advantage of this period of preparation for the sacraments, not only to get children ready for their reception, but also to help families discover that, through them, it is possible to live permanently on a path of holiness.  Handout

Erika De Urquidi (Sponsored by Pflaum Publishing Group, a division of Bayard, Inc.)         808. The Family: First Teacher of Self-Giving Love Families are called to the service of love, that is, to imitate and relive the same self-giving and sacrificial love that Jesus Christ shows to all humanity. Erika De Urquidi helps us explore the role of the Christian family as teacher of self-giving and generous love in the context of the ultimate sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Kathy Hendricks (Sponsored by William H. Sadlier, Inc.) 105. Open Our Hearts The call to ministry and service requires a radical expansion of the heart in order to be authentic. Images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary provide an invitation to open our hearts inward in order to receive the love of Christ and outward in order to love those whom Christ loves. Both are essential to following the call as faithful disciples and cultivating a merciful heart.

Kathy Hendricks (Sponsored by William H. Sadlier, Inc.)               304. Seeking Spiritual Balance in an Off-Kilter World
During uncertain times, catechetical, school, and ministerial leaders and teachers have to deal with stress in their own lives while also trying to provide hope and consolation to those they serve. This makes it all the more essential to withdraw on a regular basis for prayer, reflection, and rest in order to maintain a sense of spiritual and emotional well-being. During our time together, we will name strategies for finding and maintain spiritual balance no matter how off-kilter the world around us may be.

Lorraine Hess (Sponsored by GIA Publications, Inc.) 706. Creating Spiritual Growth in a Parish That Can Be Led by the Laity: Part 1, Ideas and Training    The laity can make a tremendous faith impact on its community. Explore ways to create prayer experiences for spiritual enrichment in a parish without the need for the presence of a priest or deacon. We will discuss practical and impactful ways people can gather, pray, faith share, and learn more about their faith in a variety of methods that address diverse spiritual preferences. Examples include formal and informal prayer, events enhanced by music, gathering of groups small and large with similar interests, scripture study, and more! Handout

Lorraine Hess (Sponsored by GIA Publications, Inc.)                                                                       806. Creating Spiritual Growth in a Parish That Can be Led by the Laity: Part 2, The Experience 
Continuing Part 1, we will spend time putting into action different forms of prayer experiences that can be led by the laity. (Participation in part 1 not required.) Come ready to pray, sing, reflect, and grow in spirituality, so you can become a witness to these impactful exercises, and return to your parish ready to lead events that do not require the presence of a priest or deacon. Get ready to be empowered! Handout

Carisa Lopez-Ramirez & Jeff Tilton
106.  “Welcoming the Stranger Among Us” (Matthew 25) - Migration, Refugee and Immigration 101
This presentation is intended to inform the participants about refugees, immigrants and other refugee-eligible populations, regardless of prior knowledge on the subject. The presentation is intended to separate myth from fact, and to inform you of the trends in immigration and refugee resettlement including the journey of how our brothers and sisters enter our community. You will also learn ways for you to get involved in helping them become self-sufficient and rebuild their lives here.

Carisa Lopez-Ramirez & Jeff Tilton 
708.  “Welcoming the Stranger Among Us” (Matthew 25) - Migration, Refugee and Immigration 101
This presentation is intended to inform the participants about refugees, immigrants and other refugee-eligible populations, regardless of prior knowledge on the subject. The presentation is intended to separate myth from fact, and to inform you of the trends in immigration and refugee resettlement including the journey of how our brothers and sisters enter our community. You will also learn ways for you to get involved in helping them become self-sufficient and rebuild their lives here.

Amy McEntee (Sponsored by RCL Benziger)    305. Catechesis: Now what?
This workshop will:  - Examine some key characteristics of families today, - Reflect on the relationship between the domestic church and the community of faith, and - Identify practical next steps in helping families develop authentic spirituality. Resources and suggestions will be provided to assist catechists in new ways of accompanying families.

Amy McEntee (Sponsored by RCL Benziger) 906. Bite-Sized Catechesis: Tips and Tricks for Faith Formation Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, but the spaces in which we share that Good News look quite different. This session will examine essential considerations and practical suggestions for engaging children and families in the catechetical process. Participants will: - Examine a teaching and learning method that provides catechesis in bite-sized chunks - Review a template for creating short, focused, engaging lessons with suggestions for how to use them for faith formation at home, in a classroom setting or online.


104.  Self-giving love gives hope to our aching world

In this workshop, we will deepen the beautiful experience of the power of God’s Grace given to each of us in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, which makes us all brothers and sisters and gives us the strength to offer our self-giving love. We will also reflect on how the Eucharistic Celebrations transform the world to the extent that we allow ourselves to be transformed and become bread broken for others. We will leave with the certainty that our self-giving love gives hope to our aching world.  Handout

Deacon Art Miller (Sponsored by RCL Benziger)                                                                      203, 302, 702 & 802. Catholic Beliefs and Traditions: Creed/Trinity; Mary & the Saints and Church 
This Foundational Faith Formation Session covers six key points:  - Identify faith as our response to God's call to relationship and also as the content of what we believe.  -  Define the term creed and distinguish between the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed.  - Express a basic understanding of the following concepts: Trinity, Incarnation, Paschal Mystery, Holy Spirit, Communion of Saints, grace, and glory.  - Explain the meaning of the hierarchy of truths in Catholic doctrine.  - Define the following terms: faith, theology, magisterium, tradition, Tradition, doctrine, dogma.  - Marian dogmas in relation to Jesus      


Matt Reichert (Offered on Friday and repeated on Saturday)   (Sponsored by OCP)        205 & 905 The harvest is plenty – where are laborers? Recruiting and retaining volunteers
Many parishes and schools are facing the same post-pandemic problem: there just aren’t enough hands to do all the work. While some churches have seen attendance and financial giving mostly return to pre-COVID levels, most communities are experiencing a lack of volunteers in every ministry, group, club, and organization. Is there anything that can be done? Or, is this just part of the “new normal” we’ve all been fearing? Join Matt Reichert, director of the Center for Learning at OCP, as he explores strategies and opportunities that you can employ to recruit and retain volunteers in your ministries. 

Matt Reichert (Sponsored by OCP)
307. Generational diversity – a source of strength and opportunity
We are living in a time with incredible generational diversity. There are members of six distinct generations active in our parishes and communities. Each of these generations has unique experiences, influences, and perspectives. In turn, each generation communicates differently and seeks different sources of connection and belonging. Yet, despite these diverse needs, our parishes tend to communicate with all members in the same way, or assume a singular experience. Join Matt Reichert, director of the Center for Learning at OCP, as he explores the research on generational diversity and suggests strategies parishes can use to more effectively engage all members, regardless of their generation.

Michael Ruzicki
705. RCIA 101: The Nuts and Bolts of Christian Initiation Ministry
Initiation into the Christian community involves much more than simply receiving the sacraments. It is rather a process of evangelization, community involvement, catechesis, and formation of mission that culminates in the celebration of the sacraments. This workshop will explain the general process through which catechumens and the parish community travel together. 

Michael Ruzicki
904. RCIA 102: The Community-Building Principles of Initiation Ministry
Together, we will break open six principles of ministry, share practical ways they are realized in a parish, and reframe our obstacles and struggles as opportunities for growth, learning, and success.

Julianne Stanz SATURDAY KEYNOTE (ENGLISH)  (Sponsored by Loyola Press)                          601. Jesus, Our First and Greatest Love A first love means a love that comes before all others: the greatest love. Even when we love and serve out of love, our love for Jesus has to come first, so that we can love others with the fire of divine love. As ministers, we know that there are times in our lives that we find ourselves weary and lose hope. In the Scriptures, we hear the words “You have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. Nevertheless, I have this against you, that you have left your first love” Revelation 2:2-4. 

This session will focus on calling us back to our first love -Jesus and how we can do what Jesus asked us to do. Jesus took ordinary people, people the world at the time often saw as being dispensable and unimportant, and turned them into the greatest saints the world has ever known. In our ministries, we too have the opportunity to positively impact others with the love and joy of the Gospel. How can we return to Jesus as our first and greatest love?

Julianne Stanz       
FRIDAY DIOCESAN IN-SERVICE                       
101, 201, 301. Start with Jesus: WE the Missionary People! 
During this challenging time, missionary creativity and zeal is needed more than ever! What is THE spiritual moment that we are called to as a Church? Becoming a vibrant missionary community is the result of small, intentional steps initiated at the diocesan and parish leadership level but also accepted by each disciple personally. If our people are renewed, our parishes will be renewed. People are always our best resource in the disciple making process so how do we mobilize our people for mission? With joy, humor and practical insights, Julianne will help you to set forth a vision for reaching all people and practical ways by which we can become a community of missionary disciples that set the world on fire. Handout

Doug Tooke 707. Serving Youth with Media We know young people spend a lot of time digesting media.  Is this a place where we should be doing better ministry?   ABSOLUTELY!  This workshop explains the basic practices of media development and use for the purposes of direct service ministry.  Learn to be present to young people precisely where they spend a great deal of their time!

Doug Tooke                  
805. Small Group Ministry Leadership
The data is in.  Small group ministry settings lead to the most retention and usually the most memorable experiences for young people.  But...not all volunteers are good small group leaders!  Let’s get it right!  This workshop is a deep dive into small group leadership tactics and proven understandings for small group success!  Participants will be given a copy of the entire training for purposes of repeating in their home parish!

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP
807. Digital Authenticity: Living "the Good Life"
Living in a digital world can challenge our understanding of what it means to be human and lead us to feel lost in a world of angry rants, misinformation, and comparisons.  Following Christ promises “the good life” that comes from virtuous living.  Examining our own digital media use through Catholic practices will help us to discover balance and hope by being authentic missionary disciples of Christ in the digital world. 

Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP
306. Be Christ for Others – Become a Cultural Mystic! 
How can we integrate our faith within a media culture?  By becoming mystics! Through theological reflection and critical engagement, we can discover the needs of humanity present in the art of pop culture.  To become enculturated evangelizers today, we are called to develop our sacramental imaginations by taking a sacred look on what is expressed in the culture about humanity’s longing for the supernatural, for God!  Only then can we propose Christ as the ultimate desire of our hearts. 

Dr. Joseph White (Sponsored by OSV)

207. What is the Kerygma, and What Difference Does It Make? 
Wondering how to understand and explain why ongoing faith formation is so important? Want to instill learners with a desire to grow closer to Christ and his Church? The Directory for Catechesis places kerygma, the essential core of the Gospel message, front and center in our catechesis. In this session, we’ll explore the kerygma and discuss practical ways to share it with others. 

Dr. Joseph White (Sponsored by OSV)                                                                                                                      
907. A Future Full of Hope: Helping Kids and Teens Stay Catholic
We have known for some time that young people are leaving the Church in alarming numbers. A growing body of research gives us insight into why they are leaving and, more importantly, how we can build a foundation of faith, beginning in early childhood and continuing through the teen years, that will promote lifelong engagement and discipleship. 


Hna. Rosalia Meza, VDMF Discurso de apertura del sábado
602. Nuestra entrega con amor da esperanza a nuestro mundo 
Reflexionaremos juntos sobre la hermosa experiencia del poder de la Gracia de Dios que se nos da a cada uno de nosotros en el Sacramento de la Eucaristía, que nos hace a todos hermanos y hermanas y nos da la fuerza para entregarnos con amor ante toda circunstancia. Profundizaremos como las celebraciones eucarísticas transforman el mundo en la medida que nos dejamos transformar y convertir en pan partido para los demás y nos iremos con la certeza de que nuestra entrega con amor da esperanza a nuestro mundo doliente. Handout

Jose Antonio Medina, SThD      SESSION IN SPANISH 203. & 303. ¿Qué creen los católicos? 1  Los cuatro pilares de la teología católica son; La Sagrada Escritura, el Magisterio de la Iglesia, La Gran Tradición y el Sentido de fe de lacomunidad eclesial (Sensus Fildelium). En este taller estudiaremos estas cuatro fuentes de la Revelación y desde ellas revisaremos los temas fundamentales de la Doctrina de la Iglesia como son: la Santísima Trinidad, la Historia de la Salvación, los dogmas cristológicos, la acción del Espíritu Santo. Handout

Jose Antonio Medina, SThD SESSION IN SPANISH
703. & 803. ¿Qué creen los católicos? 2
En la segunda parte de este taller revisaremos el proceso de hacer teología y nuestra responsabilidad de formarnos en nuestra fe para vivir lo que creemos y saber comunicar a otros nuestra fe. Explicaremos lo que es un dogma, la jerarquía de verdades, y las fuentes de la revelación. Completando los temas básicos de la primera sesión explicaremos lo que la Iglesia enseña sobre la Resurrección de los muertos y la vida eterna. Handout

Leticia Perez SESSION IN SPANISH 107. RICA 101: Las Herramientas del Ministerio de Iniciación Cristiana La iniciación en la comunidad cristiana implica mucho más que simplemente recibir los sacramentos. Es más bien un proceso de evangelización, participación comunitaria, catequesis y formación de la misión que culmina en la celebración de los sacramentos. Este taller explicará el proceso general a través del cual los catecúmenos y la comunidad parroquial trabajan juntos.

Recién añadido


809. Espiritualidad del Servidor

En este taller veremos como la espiritualidad del servidor es la espiritualidad de Jesús que no busca ser servido sino servir. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un servidor y un discípulo de Jesús? Cuáles son sus características y a través de reflexiones de citas bíblicas podremos saber dónde estoy y en qué tengo que trabajar para ser un verdadero servidor. Discutiremos la importancia de la Misa, así como el llamado al avivamiento eucarístico.

908. RICA 102: La Comunidad y Los Principios del Ministerio de Iniciación
Juntos, abriremos seis principios del ministerio, compartiremos formas prácticas en que se realizan en una parroquia y replantearemos nuestros obstáculos y luchas como oportunidades para el crecimiento, el aprendizaje y el éxito.

Koren Ruiz SESSION IN SPANISH (Sponsored by OCP)                                                            
108.  Evangelización y Misión a través de las Generaciones
Un taller acerca de nuestro llamado a evangelizar a través de las generaciones; aprendiendo de nuestra historia, aceptando la singularidad de nuestro presente y explorando nuevas maneras de asegurar la sustentabilidad de la misión de nuestra Iglesia hacia el futuro.

Koren Ruiz SESSION IN SPANISH (Sponsored by OCP)                  
909Eucaristía: Fuente de Nuestra Fe
Un espacio de música y reflexión para reafirmar la importancia de restaurar la comprensión, la devoción y el culto a Jesucristo en la Eucaristía; como fuente principal de nuestra fe, evangelización y misión a través de las generaciones en la familia.  

Recién añadido

Erika De Urquidi SESSION IN SPANISH (Sponsored by Pflaum Publishing Group, a division of Bayard, Inc.)

709.  La familia: maestra de la entrega con amor 

La familia está llamada al servicio del amor, es decir, a imitar y revivir el mismo amor de entrega y sacrificio que Jesucristo muestra a la humanidad entera. Erika De Urquidi nos ayuda a explorar el papel de la familia cristiana como maestra de entrega y amor desinteresado a la luz del sacrificio supremo de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en la Eucaristía.  Handout

This is Session 206 given in English